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Re: [TCLUG:18310] Mandrake and eOne

on 5/30/00 11:32 AM, Andy Zbikowski at wrote:

>> I haven't been able to access my cdrom drive. I/O error
> Odd, let's assume that the dirve isn't scsi and isn't on a propariry
> interface. 
> Since your hard drive is hda, hdb, hdc, or hdd are your canidates. I'd
> try mounting /dev/hdc first, then hdb, and hdd if all that fails.
> If still might be an icky propitary drive but that doesn't
> seem likely in a "modern" computer like an eMachine.
> Did you remember to mount your cd?
> mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom

Ok, I took your advice and tried the above and got

mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hdc as a block device (maybe
'insmod driver'?)

I also replaced the hdc with hdb and hdd.

hdd gave the same message but hdb gave a different one.

mount: /dev/hdb is not a valid block device.

and as far as 'Did you remember to mount your cd?' heh, no, I didn't know I
had to do it in the first place <g>.

-Lord Xoi