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Re: [TCLUG:18319] "Web Architecture"

On Tue, 30 May 2000, Scott Dier wrote:

> * Philip C Mendelsohn <> [000530 11:48]:
> > My point is that the web is more that sort of arrangement.  A country wall
> > pieced together from available rocks found on site, rather than built to
> > designed specs using materials specified in advance.
> <scarasm> Yes, ITEF, w3c, and ITU all stand for nothing!  Its all
> worthless!  IANA doesn't mean anything either.  Down with the
> man!</scarasm>

Mr. Dier,

I apologize if my statements were so inflammatory that they inspired such
an emotional reply, or if I have missed some humor in your statement.

I thought that things like browser specific extensions driving the
creation of standards was an ideal example of the way things happen when
there is an architecture vacuum.

I just wanted to throw out a thought or two, since they were solicited,
and provoke a little consideration on the common misuse of the term
"architecture."  I'll try and be more careful in future.


Phil M.