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Need a cheap notebook (OT :)

Hey, sorry for the OT but I 've seen a few cheap notebooks flying around
on this list recently, so I thought I'd try.

I am super irritated. My Compaq LTE Lite 3/25e seems to have died just
sitting on a shelf for 4 months. Battery takes a charge but the machine
is totally inert. Very sad to see this 386 powerhouse with 20MB of ram
(!) and 300MB HD die ;) 

So, I need some kind of cheap 486 notebook to replace it.. just the
basics, with either an internal modem or PCMCIA slots. At least 8mb of
ram, HD size unimportant as I have a 540MB IDE 2.5" to install. Would be
*nice* if it were linux capable. Color screen is nice, but not a

Please contact me off-list if you have a candidate.

Thanks in advance,