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the Madison SGI is sold

The Madison SGI is (probably) sold. Rowan is working out the final
details. His response to my query this morning was: "I'm tentatively
considering it as sold (I've told others that have contacted me directly
that we're working on things and that there's a line of folks who are

Thanks for all of the responses.

If I just had room for another machine at home...

*                                                     *
Karen Swanberg              |                         
Network Admin.              | Error: Sector not found-- 
Dept. of Geology/Geophysics |search behind couch? (Y/N)
206 Pillsbury Hall          |                         
310 Pillsbury Ave. SE       |                         
University of Mn            |  Enter any 11-digit prime
Minneapolis, MN 55455       |     number to continue...
(612) 624-6541              |                         
*                                                     *