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IP /30 hack - Question

It appears that there is a way to get use of all 4 IP addresses on a /30
block to use - but I really don't know the proper way to set this up.

I have a /30 block with network, host, router, broadcast as the 4 IP
addresses.  I have been told that it is a simple matter to use the network
and broadcast addresses for other hosts simply by telling the router that
the subnet is bigger, say a /29.  The downside is that adjacent netblocks
will be unavailble to me should I wish to access them.  I am totally fine
with that.  BTW - I am talking about a PPP routed DSL connection - so the
broadcast packets won't interfere with anybody else.

Setting up the router for a /29 (or /28) would be trivial, however, I have a
twist.  I want the machines on my network to have the two extra addresses so
that they have publically addressable IP addresses.  I still want them
behind my firewall (with 2 NICs).  So, how do I configure my interfaces to
make this possible?

For instance:

    I am supplied with a public netblock - lets say it is
    My private network currently is with three computers on
it (one is the gateway and two workstations).

    I have a gateway/firewall with two NICs - one with a real IP on the net,, and a private IP,

    OK.  I want the two workstations to get public IPs, and  These are the normal network and broadcast addresses - but
with my reassigned netblock on my router, (or
or ?) - they become addressable - of course the IP addresses
outside of my /30 block aren't usable outside my network.  I know this will
work fine if these workstations use the router as the default gateway.
However, I want these addresses firewalled, so I want to use the PC I was
using for that job.  How can I configure the two interfaces on it to
firewall packets?  Can I assign the same IP address to both NICs?  How about
netmask?  Seems like a conflict to me.  Yet - there must be a way - as the
router is doing it.  I don't want to use NAT, because I want real public

Does anybody have an idea of how to configure this?  I am sure it has been
done before (I know of somebody who fakes the netblock to reclaim the other
IP addresses - but how can I do it with my 2 NIC firewall/gateway machine?

Thanks in advance,

Tom Veldhouse