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Re: [TCLUG:18061] Adding PP Zip support after initial install

On Tue, May 23, 2000 at 11:48:07AM -0500, David S. Cargo wrote:
>How do I convince my installed systems to talk to sda1 and sda4 now?
You'll need to rebuild your kernel most likely, unless the kernel you
installed from a package (rpm / deb) has the modules for it installed already. Depending on what type of ziip drive ryou have the module you need will either be imm.o or ppa.o (not sure on the last one) modprobe should tell you if you have em. I am not _real_ familiar with modprobe as I am a debian user and prefer to use "modconf" which is a little more intuitive (IMHO). 

If the modules are not present you'll need to rebuild your kernel and add in
the modules you need. I think generic scsi support (CONFIG_MODULE_SG i think)
and the appropriate driver for the drive. (either imm.o or ppa) make xconfig's
help will get you on track.


Ben Lutgens  xAdministrator CS Solutions Inc |WinNT BSOD Security model:
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