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Re: [TCLUG:17899] IBM PS/2-50 Bus Error on install

"Gabe Turner (officer)" wrote:
> There is no *NIX (minux AIX of course) that is yet out of the pre-alpha stages for MCA.  NetBSD has something that boots, but that's it.  It looks like Linux is at the same point.

Actually, Linux's MCA support has been around a while. But how the heck
it got into the 2.2 kernel, who wrote it, who knows about it, seems to
be a mystery. ;) And most distributions aren't really set up and tested
for MCA.

And the MCA Linux homepage has disappeared again.

I tried to boot Slackware on a Model 80 back in the days of kernel 2.0.
But the ESDI disk controller was giving me trouble.

Seems /usr/src/linux/Documentation/mca.txt is all the better info you're
going to find...