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Re: [TCLUG:17836] Fun with bash

Bunch of stuff I got tired of typing:

NT droped the Samba connection again...
umount /mnt/ltiflex/ltirdbms/andyzb
sleep 2
mount /mnt/ltiflex/ltirdbms/andyzb

Simplify adding users:
#! /bin/sh
# Quick and dirty Script to add a new
# "NT Dummy" account to LTI's linux servers
# Usage: newuser USERNAME
# Properly sets up a user with a disabled password
adduser --disabled-password $USER
# Change shell to /bin/false
chsh -s /bin/false $USER
# Backup /etc/passwd
cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.bak
# Modify /etc/passwd to allow smb auth for the new user 
cat /etc/passwd | sed s/$USER:x:/$USER:*:/gI > /etc/passwd
# Some feedback
echo "$USER set up!"
# We're done here
exit 0

Yes, bash scripting is fun and easy. I should learn perl sooner or

Andy Zbikowski, Sys Admin   |
LTI Flexible Products, Inc. | "Reality is merely an illusion, 
21801 Industrial Blvd       |  albeit a very persistent one."
Rogers, MN  55374           |  -- Albert Einstein