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Re: [TCLUG:17879] Cross-module Apache calls

Scott Dier - dieman said:
> why not have A url handeler on each end that can send XML data based on
> what is asked in the POST/GET and then parse it out in the requesting
> module :)

That's actually pretty close to what I need to do.  The question is, how do I
have Apache server A contact Apache server B in such a fashion that server B
sends the response back to server A (as if A were a broswer) for further
processing instead of passing the response directly to the client (which,
AFAICT, is what will happen if I use a server-side redirect)?

(Oh, and a server-side include isn't quite right either - the final responses
are raw data in text/plain form which are being requested by either a Java
servlet or a C library which converts the raw data into an object/struct for
use by Java/C programs.  There aren't any actual browsers or HTML involved
unless the Java/C program then uses the object/struct to generate a page.)

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