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Cross-module Apache calls

I'm working on a project involving two separate Apache modules (written in C)
which may be running on different machines.  One of them needs access to data
that is managed by the other.  Does anyone know of a simple way for this
module to send a request to the other and make use of the result?  (A
redirect doesn't appear to be suitable here.  I need to create a final result
using data from both systems and, AFAICT, a redirect doesn't allow the
initial module to resume control after the subrequest/redirect completes.)

Or do I have to use a general-purpose HTTP client library to make this call?
(And, if so, are there any recommendations for a (preferably free (in both
senses)) library with a license that allows it to be used in commercial

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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