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Re: [TCLUG:17728] Motif has gone opensource!

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Scott Dier - dieman wrote:

> On Tue, 16 May 2000, Luke Francl wrote:
> > GPL'd code. By not going BSD, you ensure that while code changes from
> > outside sources can certianly be incorporated into _your_ project, nothing
> Ahh, yes. BSD, for those who don't mind their code being incorprated into
> projects against their will for profit.
> I'll keep with the GPL, thank you.

No kidding. 

The entire nightmare with MS Kerberos would never have been possible with
the GPL.

In the end, the GPL could very well be the strongest factor in Linux's

The BSD license is one of the reasons there are so many of them!
(proprietary derivitives, and free ones).

______         _ __         "If you don't have the freedom to use what you
  /           ' )  )               own - then you do not own anything."    
 / o ______    /  / _  . .    No apologies to Jack Valenti or the MPAA
/ <_/ / / <   /  (_</_(_/_  -- / --