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Shell Script for 'ps' (was Re: [TCLUG:17715] Aliasing)

On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 11:38:19AM -0500, wrote:
> My whole point of doing this is because I type 'ps aux' out
> of habit, instead of 'ps -ef'.  Changing it to be ps-script isn't
> going to help me at all, here.  ;)  I just want my bad habits to
> work.  Sneef!

1. Create a bin directory in your home directory.
2. Add it to your PATH environment variable
3. Create a 'ps' shell script that examines $1

# File: ps
# Desc: A shell script to get around the differences between Solaris
#       and Linux's ps utility options.  This one should let you
#	execute any set of options, assuming that if 'h' or 'H' is
#	found in $1, you're searching for help and any l.c. or u.c.
#	combination of 'aux' is equivalent to 'ps -ef'.
# By: Chewie <>
# Copyright: Public's yours
# CAVEATTE: The location of this script MUST be found FIRST in your
# PATH environment variable, else the system 'ps' will execute
# instead.
# 	e.g. export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${PATH}

function useage()
	echo -e "\nUseage: $0 [aux|<solaris options>]"
	echo -e "e.g. $ ps aux (executes ps -ef)\n"
	echo -e "See also: man ps (1)\n\n"
	exit 1

case $1 in
	*[hH]*) useage ;;
		# Rewrite option add to default above
		OPTS="${OPTS} -ef"

		# Shift command line params one to left 
		shift ;;  
	*) ;;

exec ${PS} ${OPTS} $@

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