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Re: [TCLUG:17648] Moving the install & Linux fdisk 20gb IDE driv

Whoops, the first time I accidentally sent this to Bill Layer directly,
instead of tclug-list, sorry Bill!

Seth Bernsen
Software Engineer
United Defense
Phone: 612-572-4993
Fax:   612-572-4858

BIll Layer wrote:
> Hey all,
> Due to a variety fo issues I encountered (most of which i probably made
> myslef), I elected to use the following method to move the install:
> cp -Rpdv [dir] /mnt/hdb2
> subbing in the name of each dir in the / dir, one at a time. This seems to have
> worked just fine. Clumsy, but at least it got this newbie though. Live and learn
> (hopefully).

I've only just now waded far enough through my e-mail to catch up on
this conversation, so excuse the untimely nature of my comments.  To
take this one step further, if you were planning to remove the original
disk, how do you get LILO into the boot sector of the new disk?  Would
there be any problems with the device files, i.e. would the new disk now
be seen as /dev/hda instead of /dev/hdb, so fstab would be trying to
mount the new drives with the old partition information?

Seth Bernsen
Software Engineer
United Defense
Phone: 612-572-4993
Fax:   612-572-4858