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Re: [TCLUG:17297] More Love Bug (I got really off topic, sorry)

|   Pegasus, Eudora, or pine would be an excellent replacement for
| Outlook but for one minor detail.

Any of the above clients would be an excelent choice for just about any home
users. (Calypso is pretty cool too) But business is special, and planning
everything from your desktop instead of going from cube to cube seems to be
the wave of the future. Personally, I go cube hopping for most things (If
only to get away from my desk)

| The Exchange/Outlook combination provides calendar and scheduling
| services in addition to basic e-mail.
| Because of this, to replace Outlook you need a decant MUA (of
| which there are many), and a decent calendar/scheduling app (of
| which there are few). You also need a linker so that scheduling info
| recieved in e-mail automaticly gets added to your calendar.

Complain all you want about Microsoft, I personally don't think that they
are as evil as everybody makes them out to be. Yes, they're not the worst
company in the world, but try and find a positive thing. They're not going
to deplete the ozone layer for one. The specific issue most people have with
MS (but not all realize) is their operating system. Really, splitting
Microsoft off into seperate companies would be a good thing.

But, from a business standpoint, if they do, get rid of all your stock in
the operating system division, cause the software division is going to
realize that they can make more money by being more open and supporting
other, non-MS operating system. Windows Media Player will lose the windows
part, and a better name will be found. MSIE will simply become IE. Microsoft
Office will be no longer, say hello the Redmond Software Office 2005.

Microsoft will obviously be the company producing the OS that eveerybody has
a love/hate relation ship with, but they will be struggling as much as Be,
Red Hat, and Mac's OS department (ok...maybe not as much as Mac's OS
department.) because users will have the option of running their familar
programs (Office 20XX, IE, XXXAMP, Media Player, what have you.) on their OS
of choice. (Or SysAdmins OS of choice)

The current MS can fight it all they want, but they will be broken up. Even
if it is just two new companys. Mark my words, you don't want to own the
stock of the OS comany, because the OS will no longer profit for the closed
standards of the OS because they would alinate the new software company.
Welcome the the real business world MS.

Ok, I've said too much.

(I haven't said enough...)