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RE: [TCLUG:17266] [OT] Windows Media

> I very, very strongly suggest that Microsoft begin publishing its media
> formats freely on the Internet.  Just as a compact disc produced 15
> years ago can be played on any CD player today, a media file produced
> today should be readable 15 years in the future (of course, it would be
> wonderful if it can be read 1000 years from now..)  [...]
> By keeping standards open, we can ensure that documents,
> music, images, and movies will be around for future generations to
> enjoy.  Today, we are lucky to be able to retrieve a document from five
> years ago.  That is a terrible thing.
> Thanks for listening to this rant ;-)
> ---END---
> Hopefully, I didn't say anything stupid..

Seems to me like the only thing you said wrong was your constant apologies for
"ranting".  The section I left intact above is a marvelous and rational argument
and hopefully one they'll listen to.

On the other hand, as I think I've ranted about before, the CD owes its
existence in large part to a corporate initiative to make old media obsolete in
order to boost sales -- which is why I tend to view DVD with a jaundiced eye.
Don't get me wrong, I don't miss LPs one bit, but corporations are corporations,
and if they can get away with making you buy the same thing 10 times over,
they'll do it.  Unfortunately, format longevity runs directly counter to MS's
business plan.  If they couldn't force upgrades on users, well, they'd probably
have to innovate or something...