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Re: [TCLUG:17192] Helix Gnome w/ debian

> Is there any way to load helix-gnome with debian?
helix-gnome = cvs compiled for you
> Or is there a debian site with the latest gnome? (1.1.9)
No. October GNOME is the latests stable gnome. That's what's in all Debian
distributions. Don't let Helix fool you, helix-gnome isn't stable, it's
not finished. It's no big deal. If you really want to go through the
trouble of an unstable GNOME enviorment, you might as well compile the CVS
versions and shove it all in /usr/local on a debian machine. At least that
way you can run October GNOME and CVS GNOME at the same time (in theory.)

I dunno, I agree with Scott (dieman) about people like HelixCode giving
the impression that HelixGnome is a finished project. Could have a
negitive influnce on potential supporters who think it's the latest and
greatest thing and find that it crashes, crashes, crashes. When it's not
the latest and greatest, it's the latest developers build. At least with
with Mozilla everyone knew it was alpha.

And if anyone is interested, I compiled a handful of Woody packages for
Potato and made them sorta aptable:
deb hybrid main
Really all there is right now is Sawmill 0.26 and XMMS (with it's GNOME