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Re: [TCLUG:17072] Thoughts about 'scary stuff'

Apologies to Bob if I trimmed anything he considers an Important Point.

On Tue, 2 May 2000, Bob Nolte wrote:

> Sometimes this group sounds like a bunch of religious bigots!

> the bloat in Linux. You can't walk into a computer store and pick up a
> $10 Linux program out of the bargain bin. Just wait till this crud hits
> the Linux OS.
Wait? Why wait? just try v0.0.anything of the latest game idea out there.
The bargain bin stuff for Linux just never quite seems to make
it out to the stores in the first place. 
> One final point. The level of technical knowledge of MS products seems
> to be very low in this group. 

Isn't it just amazing how my memory fails as I get older ;)

> This may be due, in part, to the tendency
> of Linux users to break out in hives when brought in close proximity
> to a MS operating system. 

That would be me.
The vast majority of my professional exposure to Windows has
been annoying to infuriating.  For some reason I tend to
avoid it now.

> I would guess that quite a number of the
> 4700 members of this group have noticed this knowledge deficit as well.

Probably, I'd bet that there is a lot of talent lurking.
An awful lot of talent considering some of the people 
I suspect are lurking here.

> I have run Linux for almost 3 years. I have run Windows since version 0
> and know more about Windows than I do about Linux. I don't have a great
> deal of trouble with MS products because I manage them correctly and
> carefully. An experienced Linux guru probably could say the same thing
> and have little trouble with Linux. Most of the people in the world aren't
> experts with either OS and just want something that will do its job and
> not aggravate them too much.

I am a Linux Grue and I have varying degrees of success with the
systems that I work and play with. When used as directed it is an
absolutely, positively, magnificantly boring experience. It just works.

When flipped over on its back and spun vigorously it becomes a lot
less stable (in the short term at least), but it is a lot of fun
seeing what happens and finding new ways to do things.

I wouldn't dare do that sort of thing to a Windows(95|NT) box
even when I was using it regularly. I don't suppose (98|00) 
are _that_ much better.

> Anybody that's been to London, and gone to Hyde Park, has seen the
> ranters waving their arms for their favorite causes. Let's keep this sort
> of rhetoric at as low a level as possible in this group.
Yep, that is what comp.os.*.advocacy is for. If you enjoy ranting
and raving that is the place!
I couldn't agree more.

Daniel Taylor