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Re: [TCLUG:16860] TCLUG Trebuchet project

On Mon, 1 May 2000, Chris McKinley wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Philip C Mendelsohn wrote:
> > On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Colin Kilbane wrote:
> > 
> > > Believe it or not, I have actually been gathering plans to build one this
> > > summer.  I'm tired of building potato guns.  I was going to use it to hurl
> > > water bombs but a zenith 888 might be more fun.
> > 
> > Now Northern Exposure did good with the piano episode.  I think anyone
> > trying to get in on hurling things should up the ante.
> > 
> > Potato guns are OK, but it's not that tough if you wanted to graduate into
> > rail guns, or as I like to call 'em, the poor man's Linear Accelrator.
> Yes! Rail guns! If we have success, we can always call it a DoD project!
> Personnally, I don't know what would be more satisfying, teaching a monitor
> to fly or seeing the damage a small magnetically accelerated projectile can
> do.

Oh, let's do both.  We'll launch the monitor with the trebuchet and
control the trajectory of the rail gun to intercept.  And that would be
much more likely to qualify for DoD funding anyway.!  :-)

Phil M

Lottery:    a tax on people who are bad at math