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Re: [TCLUG:16991] shopping cart software

I seem to remember one called MiniVend. Search for it on

Mark Phillips wrote:
> What are people out there using to build ecommerce shopping carts on
> Linux?  Are there some good canned packages available (free or
> otherwise), or does everyone still write their own in their favorite
> server language (Perl, PHP, Java, etc)?  I'd be interested in hearing
> other people's opinions & experiences.
> --Mark
> Mark Phillips @ Geometry Technologies, Inc.
> 550 Gilbert Building, 413 Wacouta St., St. Paul, MN 55101
> Phone: 651-223-2884  Fax: 651-292-0014
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	<a href="">Troy Johnson</a>

Rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently democratic
weapons.  A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple
weapon -- so long as there is no answer to it -- gives claws to the
        -- George Orwell, "You and the Atom Bomb", 1945