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Re: [TCLUG:15379] Computers that save long distance relationships.

Cases: My favorite, reasonably priced case is the Supermicro 760A
Wonderful fans everywhere. We cut the bottom part of the bezel off the from and
bought a dual squirrel cage fan from ABC electronics in Minneapolis and mounted
that to the from hooked up to a switch and used some silicon like junk to make
it so it doesnt vibrate against the case. My friend then took 2 hoses and
placed them to the intakes of the monster fan and placed them out the window so
as good old minnesota winter could help cool his overclocked celeron 300A to
past 500. Of course this is too much for your girlfriends case.
I am building some machines for a photographer in town and i got him some nice
colorized translucent cases from They have some very
nice cables and deals on things. The case was inexpensive and wasnt too much
shipping. It is NOT the best quality though.
I personally have a PC Power Cooling Economical case with the turbo cool 300
power supply Very very
strong case, in case you need to use it for a step ladder or to hold up your
Locally I only know of general nano systems and i hate them. My company bought
4 PII 300 full machines and 2 of the 4 failed within 3 months of purchase. The
power supplies literally flamed. There were char marks on the case, motherboard
and corner of one of the DIMM's

Microphones: I love Aiwa for all audio equipment. (And so did the guy that
broke into my car and took my Aiwa deck 2 years ago) I beleive they also have
speaker/mic headset combos but you might have to get those from the net, i have
never seen them around at places like best buy or target.

Cams:The Intel create and share cams are nice. They have that convient shutter
on there so you can close the cam when not in use so Back Orifice people cant
turn your cam on and watch ya. I would also get a headset/microphone with an
on/off switch for the same reason. (Paranoid? yes, i used to do this to my
friends in the helpdesk i worked at)

Ethernet: Must have a 3com905Btx ethernet card. Wonderful things. All my
servers use them.

That was way too much information. I just had a dose of caffine this morning,
sorry. Hope something there helped.

Jason J

"Andrew S. Zbikowski" wrote:

> After a bit of calculating I've figured that building my girlfriend a decent
> computer will save us money. Phone bills are murder.  But of course the lady
> of my life won't utilize the full potential of a computer, so upgrading mine
> and building hers out of the spare parts HAS to be a win win situation
> right? =)
> I pretty much know what I'll be building, but there are a few items where
> I'm looking for advice.
> First off is the computer case. I'm looking for a full tower with a 300w
> power supply. Anyone know of a local vendor that carries In-Win (q500) or
> can suggest a different sub-100 case? (Shipping a big case like that doesn't
> look appealing)
> Next item would be a good headset for conferencing. Or just a good
> microphone.  I'd prefer a headset myself.
> And since we're dealing with free college Ethernet, I might as well splurge
> a bit and dive into video conferencing. Intel looks like they have some good
> offerings with the PC Camera Pro Pack or PC Camera Pack. Anyone have any
> experience with these? The Pro pack retails at $99, and Intel is offering a
> $70 rebate when you buy two. And it's gotten decent reviews.
> That covers the realm of devices I'll be toying with in the near future. If
> anyone has input, I'd like to hear it. I'm down to needing a hard drive,
> memory, processor, and case for a "new" computer, so I might as well bite
> the bullet now and save myself from long distance charges later. =)
> |> Andrew S. Zbikowski | I find your lack of pants disturbing.
> |> | "Only two things are infinite,
> |> the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about
> |> the former. "  - Albert Einstein
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