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Re: [TCLUG:15352] FTP 6.2 upgrade w/out a floppy

>Last night I saw that someone had done an upgrade via
>and I thought "this will be a good project for the morning!".  So first
>thing I go to ftp R-T and grab the bootnet.img and prepare to dd it to a
>floppy.  Only then do I realise that I didn't install a floppy drive
>when I built my new box!  Being too lazy to install one from one of my
>other boxes, figured a way to get around this.
>First I mounted the bootnet.img via the loopback device:
>mount -t msdos -o loop bootnet.img /mnt/floppy
>  Then I made a directory in my /boot partition.  Copied all the files
>from the mounted floppy to this dir.  Next, I added these entries to
>	label=netboot
>	read-only
>	initrd=/boot/bootnet/initrd.img
>Run "lilo -R bootnet", Reboot, and bingo!  1.5 hours later I have a RH
>6.2 updated system.  

damn, that's cool.
gotta remember that. :)

I actually have a floppyless machine here at work (long story, blame
Compaq); that I might like to install Linux on (it runs a scanner and a
CD-burner; neither of them well, due to the abominable idiot-ware they came
with). I wonder if I could boot from DOS with loadlin, and then do this

Carl Soderstrom
who distrusts floppies...
System Administrator    307 Brighton Ave. 
Minnesota DHIA	        Buffalo, MN      (763) 682-1091