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Re: [TCLUG:15268] Unofficial Survey

>> UNIX?  Editor?  Distribution?  Language?  Beverage?  Processor?  Sexual
>> Preference?  

ok, here's my crumb (2 bits...) ;>

UNIX: Linux, may go to OpenBSD for perversity's sake. ;>
Editor: Undecided. they all suck. (but DOS Edit sucks the least.)
Distribution: Debian (tho perhaps Slackware would be the first step towards
Language: Python (close enough to Modula-2, and much more popular)
Beverage: MtDew @ work, Kool-Aid for water, Milk for nutrients, Sam Adams
for reading man pages
Processor: IBM S/390 (mainframe... mmmm)
Sexual Preference: Female, human, and breathing are a good start...

as for my take on the .rpm/.deb/.tgz issue:
        .rpms (mostly) work; .debs work better; .tgzs work too, but are
harder to query and harder to uninstall.
        the best suggestion I once heard, is to take a tarball; use alien to
make an .rpm or .deb out of it; then install from there. I have yet to try
this in practice, tho.

Carl Soderstrom
System Administrator    307 Brighton Ave. 
Minnesota DHIA	        Buffalo, MN      (763) 682-1091