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Re: [TCLUG:15162] Networking newbie Q

Umm Lets See, I think cable distance is about 100m for CAT5, Maybe Less
for CAT3.  As Far AS a hub, for what you want, anything that Supports !0T
will be Fine.  My Advice, Set Up One Machine With 2 LAN Cards, most Likely
2 3Coms, one for DSL service, the other for the LAN, they just masq. the
LAN to the DSL.  Also If you only had 2 machines, you could just use a
crossover cable, let me know if you diagrams for wiring...., Maybe you
could set up some kind of paxcket passing, (2 Lan Cards in each box, and
each card relays to another?  SOrta like a loop...)?.....

	Let me or anyone else know if you need more help.