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power-eject floppy drives for PCs?

        since you're not supposed to eject a floppy under linux without
unmounting it; has anyone seen eject-button-less floppy drives for IBM-clone
        I don't suppose you can use a Mac or SPARC floppy drive (never seen
one bare, so I don't know...).

on a side note, we have a teleworker here; who needs to send floppy disks to
people by mail occasionally. so one of us workers needs to go change floppy
disks on her local machine here (which she runs by remote control
[LapLink]). it would be cool to have a cheap floppy drive with remote/power
eject, so she could eject the floppy when it was ready for us to change it;
rather than needing a phone call to her house asking "is it done yet"?

it would be even cooler to have an autoloader and lable printer attached to
it; but i think that may be a bit excessive. ;)

Carl Soderstrom
System Administrator    307 Brighton Ave. 
Minnesota DHIA	        Buffalo, MN      (612) 682-1091