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libmutt = on crack

Since we were discussing Evolution and the like eariler, I thought I'd pass
this along to all you using mutt. (or Balsa) since anything sent via libmutt
keeps showing up as attachments instead of messages. (I'm forced to use
Outlook Express at work)

Libmutt is derived from the venerable Mutt mailer. It sucks.

It's klunky, disorganized, ancient, hackish, kludgy, unclear, and completely
non-expandable. However, because it is easier to write a mail client UI
without having to write the backend, Balsa was originally written using
mutt. If I could I would detach Balsa from libmutt -- this is a medium-term
goal that I hope to implement after I finish my next projects (configuration

You don't want to toy with libmutt. You want to wrap it in a cloth and  beat
it with a stick until it stops wriggling. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not
very much.

If you want to investigate a mail library, try getting familiar with
Evolution and Camel. (Gnome CVS module evolution). They're the Future of
Email (TM).

Anyway, libmutt prevents a Good implementation of IMAP. (As well as PGPG,
libmutt actually supports it, but in its usual craptacular way.)