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Re: [TCLUG:18625] Lets have more eOne fun.

I've done this number before. X isn't configured properly, so XDM starts
up and the Xserver dies, XDM respawns the Xserver. Fun loop isn't it?

IF all else fails, use single user mode to configure stuff. Get your
lilo prompt up and type linux single.
LILO boot: linux single

This will give you one VC and start an extremely minimal amount of
services. If X starts up, SuSe is really smoking some funky crack.

Granted, this mode isn't good for work since you only get to log in as
root, but you should be albe to fix what's wrong. (Configure X)

Andy Zbikowski, Sys Admin   |
LTI Flexible Products, Inc. | "Reality is merely an illusion, 
21801 Industrial Blvd       |  albeit a very persistent one."
Rogers, MN  55374           |  -- Albert Einstein