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Re: [TCLUG:18492] AMD vs. Intel
Well, I don't know what your problems are. I've run both
UDMA2, UDMA4, and PIO4 devices on the VIA chipsets
under Windows 2000, and haven't had any problems with
it detecting exactly what they are.
Nick Reinking, on 06/05/2000 12:11:40 PM
To: @ PMDF
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:18492] AMD vs. Intel
> No, the KX133 and the Apollo Pro133A are _not_ motherboards -
> they're they name of the north-south bridge combination. The
> north bridge is commonly called the same name as the chipset,
> but it's really not. The 686A south bridge does indeed handle
> the ATA 33/66 communication, and it is fully supported under
> Windows 2000. The problems with PIO on the WD drives was a
> WD problem, not a chipset problem, I believe.
Well - the Win9x drivers from VIA handle the drive just fine - but the
Win2000 drivers do not - so I think that would make it a VIA driver problem.
I should still be able to shut off UDMA66 ability and set the BIOS
accordingly and get it recognized - but the drivers are even to dumb for
that. The implementation in FreeBSD 4.0 is the best I have seen. Last I
looked, the Linux drivers in 2.3.99pre[something or other] did not properly
detect the drive/chipset combination either. I am not about to monkey with
hdparm to make it work. Perhaps I might just go and buy another drive and
put the problematic Western Digital in another box - or perhaps I will just
get a better motherboard - one where the company that makes it responds to
enduser support questions.
Tom Veldhouse
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