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Re: [TCLUG:19976] headers in pine
Ben Luey wrote:
> This is really sad, but how do I view headers in pine? I something need
> to get the ip address from a computer by the headers in its e-mail, but I
> can't with pine. If I save the message (imap for mail) it doesn't save
> the headers and I can't view it the headers, -- I've been going to
> netscape mail and saying show all headers, but there must be a better way.
You have to go into Setup->Configuration. There's an option:
enable-full-header-cmd. When you're viewing messages, you can just hit
`H' (or is it ^H?).
_ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ One man's Windows are
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[ Mike Hicks | | ]