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sed grouping

Well, I finally picked up a sed/awk book and now I don't have to post to
the list on how to do the basic stuff... -- so now I've got a more legit
question with grouping. It seems not to be working for me.. the book I
have says that using () only works with (usually) egrep and awk. I'm not 
getting error messages, but, it isn't working either. 

I want to search for an ip address by using the string:


(3 numbers, then 3 sets of a dot followed by 1 to 3 numbers).

If I run:

echo "asdfas .asd asdfas asdf"|sed  

I just get the original line back. If I search just with the basic 
string, it doesn't match:

echo "asdfas .asd asdfas asdf"|sed  -n 

outputs nothing.

I think the problem is with the grouping of the the runs of .### since: 

echo "asdfas .asd asdf asd|sed  

works prefectly, but is a little long in syntax.

