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RE: [TCLUG:10604] Webalizer, library error

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Eric Hillman wrote:

> Try running "find" or "locate" to see if you have files called or
> libgd.a on your system.  If you have, then downloading the source &
> recompiling should be fine.  If you have libgd.a, you've got the new,
> GIFless version, which means webalizer won't run.  You might want to try
> finding an older version of libgd on a RedHat CD or something.
A version as old as that would probably be linked against the linux libc5.
In otherwords, it probably won't work.  Perhaps if you install libungif
and the newer gd stuff, you might be able to compile it yourself.

Tom Veldhouse