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RE: [TCLUG:7197] Netscape crashes o-so-often
I'm curious- does anyone onlist use Caldera's OpenLinux and the copy of
Netscape that comes with it? Any problems with either one that I should
know about before I go out and buy the new CDROM drive for the install?
I realize that everyone here seems pretty much sold on RedHat, but since
I'm just going to be tearing OL out and replacing it with Corel Desktop
Linux when that comes out in a few months, I figure I might as well use
what I have instead of spending even more money on "free" software. :)
Kevin Trainor
Wells Fargo Customer Accounting
"Well if the money talks, why won't it speak to me?"
-Jason & The Scorchers
[Opinions all mine, not WF's...or Norwest's, for that matter. :)]
> Netscape locked up and sucked cpu completely under RH 5.1 and
> now under 6.0. I emailed Netscape about this and they did not reply.
> It is very, very irritating. I am amazed with so many people having the
> problem word isn't getting to the right people at Redhat and Netscape
> resulting in a fix!!!!!!!
> Mark
> At 01:09 PM 7/26/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >I have trouble with Netscape communicator 4.6 locking up and sucking
> >all of my cpu down from time to time (under RH 5.2). I'm using the
> >rpms from Complete removal and reinstall seems
> >to have helped for the moment.
> >
> >> Is anyone else having problems with Netscape 4.61? I am
> running it on a
> >> Mandrake 6.0 system and it crashes all the time. Always
> when I submit a
> >> username/password popup. And if it's not crashing it's locking-up.
> >> Anyone else have this problem? I am running the 128-bit version. I
> >> wonder if the 40-bit version is a little more stable. I
> tried the libc5
> >> version, but that sucked up all my memory and locked up my
> system. Maybe
> >> I'll stick with lynx. ;-)