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Re: [TCLUG:7184] Process killing
Quoting JellyD (
> How do I kill a process that's in an IO wait state ?
> I've got about 300 '/usr/sbin/crond -l10' sitting at status D
> (which 'man ps' defines as "uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)").
> Doing kill -{KILL,STOP,HUP,TERM} on any of their pids is
> uneventful.
> The PPID of all of them is 1, which is abnormal.
> The disks are at worst at 78% sector capacity and 20% inode
> capacity, so that's not it.
> The only good side is that the uptime stats look kinda neat:
> jellyd@erie:~:> uptime
> 5:30pm up 109 days, 45 min, 2 users, load average: 315.05, 315.01, 314.56
> There were a few hundred files in the /tmp directory that
> contained the output of the 'atrun' process's crontab entry
> (stock from install) that I removed, which didn't result in
> anything.
# killall crond
Check to make sure crontabs.
Bob Tanner <> | Phone : (612)943-8700 | Fax : (612)943-8500
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