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RE: [TCLUG:7057] Cable modem

You're computer is a static IP with the external modem ( is
what M1 tells you to set it at).  You can access the modem configuration at and tell it what IP you're network card is.  The modem
handles the DHCP from's a pretty smart little chunk of hardware in
my opinion.


-----Original Message-----
From: ^chewie []
Sent: Friday, July 23, 1999 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:7057] Cable modem

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Rodney wrote:

> I have read most of the pages on this web site and many others and still
> not got a lot of info on how to setup the cable modem. Most of the sites
> with a two cable connection. Most of the TC's is a one way connection that
> also uses a modem to connect to a ISP. Doez anyone have some more ideas,
> connection ?
> PS it is a sb1200 cable modem

There's a discussion on /. on this cable modem and MediaOne...

Oh, just looked at which type of modem it is...external...very nice.
This simplifies things greatly.  Now.  Do you have a static IP address
or a dynamic IP address?  If it's static, it's even easier; just
assign that static address to your network card that is connected to
the cable modem. If it's dynamic, you'll have to set up dhcpcd, the
DHCP client daemon, to fetch an IP from MediaOne and assign it to the
network interface.

^chewie  <<--- Check it out!  I'm selling my truck!

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