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Re: [TCLUG:7136] cable modem or DSL

I have DSL.

My config:
256K from US West; 1 static IP from, my ISP. (I believe US West
"lets" you have any number of 10.x.x.x addresses on your network. My
linux box actually has an IP address on the internet. This is very
convenient -- if, for example, I need to get to my server (for data or
applications) when I'm at work *cough*resume!*cough*, then it's really
easy.) I IP masquerade all my other workstations behind the one server.

The peak speed into and out of my house averages ~ 24K/sec, though I've
seen higher. Once all the ipchains firewalling stuff is added, it is
still quite fast, comparable to corporate speeds, with my wife and me on
at the same time doing web, ftp, mail....

The advantage to DSL, in my opinion is that it's two way: I can be a
server (http, ftp...) for anyone I want on the net, (as long as I
configure it properly, so I don't unwittingly end up being a server).
The speed up is about the same speed down.

One BAD thing about DSL is "DSL storms." There is so much (bogus)
traffic coming across my DSL router that my speed gets into the "bytes
per second" range.


Nothing convinces me that computing is an art so much as a bad install.

David Guy Brizan          612-814-8223

NanTu wrote:
> Hi:
>     I plan to get either cable modem or DSL to my home. I am currently use
> the dialup 56K modem and only gets about 40K to my service provider. I am
> not happy of the speed
>     USwest offer 256K DSL connection at  $49.99. both way.
>     Medieone offers cable modem (only download, upload through telephone
> line) for $39.99.
>     I would like to hear about your experience for DSL and cable modem.
>     Regards
>     Nan
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