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RE: [TCLUG:7019] Speaking of the GNOME Demo...
> > In short: I think it's great that RedHat came to the Cities, and it
> certainly
> > didn't do any harm--publicizing Linux is a good thing. But I was a bit
> > underwhelmed and felt like I was hearing lots of stuff I already knew.
> On the
> > other hand, I got a free T-shirt. :)
> >
> > Anyone have other ideas or comments?
> Yeah, I felt the same way about it, from the standpoint of being a GNOME
> user anyway. I think that RedHat really underplayed the other features
> that they had added, perhaps as a result of some of the criticism they
> have received, but the session management and other features sound good.
> Frankly, if they want to push Linux on the desktop, I think they should
> have played up the apps more. What were they using for the slideshow?
> StarOffice? Applixware? They did not mention it, and I think this is one
> of the main concerns in using Linux on the desktop.
[Schlough, Mark]
I recogized the Applixware * asterisk on the menubar. If I had
never seen it before, I wouldn't have any way of knowing.
> Also, what about
> addressing some of the concerns which have popped up recently because of
> enterprise computing benchmarks (not Mindcraft)?
[Schlough, Mark]
Yes, this would have been a good issue, however they seemed to have
a theme of "lets not bash M$ out loud so as not to alienate the people who
use M$ stuff." The benchmarking discussion I fear would have degraded into
a shouting match I fear.
(my two kopeks )
> Things like journaling
> file systems, high availability, etc., these are what will make Linux
> successful in the long run in the server market, and there is no reason we
> can not have a strong presence in both markets, as they stated.
> Anyway, thats just my $0.02, rounded up.
> -Chris
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