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Re: [TCLUG:6960] Setting up Diamond SpeedstarA50 in AGP slot?????

Aside from all the techno mumbo-jumbo, AGP doesn't really differ all that
much when it comes to X configuration.  Naturally, there's some
differences, but the real problem boils down to whether or not the chipset
on the display adapter is supported by X.  In your case, it is.  Check
with the documentation in  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/README.SiS (assuming
you've got the docs installed) for information on setting up and
optimizing your card:

"       o SiS recommended video modes for 6326:
        o    640x480  : 4, 8, 15, 16, 24 bpp at 85Hz Non-interlaced
        o    800x600  : 4, 8, 15, 16, 24 bpp at 85Hz Non-interlaced
        o   1024x768  : 4, 8, 15, 16, 24 bpp at 85Hz Non-interlaced
        o  1280x1024  : 4, 8, 15, 16, 24 bpp at 75Hz Non-interlaced
        o  1600x1200  : 4, 8  bpp at 65Hz Non-interlaced"

Read the section "Troubleshooting" for information on your particular

Peter Lukas

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, John A. Dalsin & Son, Inc. wrote:

> Good morning,
> My vendor has given me a Diamond Speedstar A50 8 meg video card with the
> SiS 6326 chip set.  I used Xconfigurator to set it up.  Keep in mind it is
> an AGP style card.  
> Xconfigurator is only able to set up the card with 8 bit color and 680 x
> whatever screen pixle size.  Bad news.  This thing should allow for 24 bit
> and a high screen size.  It is clearly in the list of video cards to choose
> from.  What do you think is happening?
> Do I have to do something special when the card goes into the AGP slot?
> Regards,
> Mark 
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