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Re: [TCLUG:6876] US Internet

> What's the difference between DSL and ASDL?  Yesterday,
> announced that they're offering DSL now, too.  $24.95 for two
> POP accounts and a static IP.  Looks like DSL is 284 kbps (or something
> like that).  What's the scoop with ASDL?  They're not the same, are
> they?

DSL is the general category. (Digital Subscriber Line)
ADSL is asymmetic DSL
SDSL is symmetric DSL or single-line DSL
RADSL is the normal product you get from U S WEST, and is Rate-Adaptive
(why it isn't RAADSL is your guess)
HDSL High-Data-Rate DSL
VDSL is Very high data-rate DSL (sometimes this is also used for
IDSL uses ISDN technology for part of the circuit, then carries the
signal over the same hardware as, which makes more
difference to us than to you. :)

The various forms of ADSL (RADSL, HDSL, VDSL, and sometimes IDSL) are
referred to as xDSL.

My advice is ask what speed you're going to get, and don't worry about
the TLA and FLA's.


Jer Smith							(664)-3645	

A man of genius makes no mistakes.
His errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.
                -- James Joyce, "Ulysses"