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Re: [TCLUG:6844] Is video card using AGP slot recommended.

> I'm using an ATI Rage Fury AGP which is working...sort of...
> However it is very slow...I mean it's OK but when I'm scrolling it
> flickers.  Considering that the Rage Fury has more processing power than
> the Cray 2 it's a bit annoying.  I used some FBDev info I found to setup my
> XF86Config - does anybody know a better way to do this?

If you want maximum performance, it might be a good idea to use the SVGA X
server, rather than going through the framebuffer device.
> A Matrox G200 probably would have worked considerably better.

Probably.  The Matrox cards are the only ones I know of that have accelerated
support for the framebuffer.
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[ Mike Hicks | | ]