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Telnet key-mapping

Does anybody know of a really good solution for all the telnet key-mapping
problems that exist?  I've been trying to figure out how toset up
everything from the keyboard/console howtio but have been having little
luck.  I also need to log in to a HP-UX machine a lot and can't get the
delete or backspace to work appropriately there.

If anyone could point me towards a better document on the subject or a
good program to fix the problems, let me know.  Thanks :)


P.S. I don't think I said thanks for helping me with my aclocal problems.
What turned out working for me was to move all of the aclocal files into
one directory and then removing the other one.  (The compilers get very
confused when you have two copies of the same .m4 file in to of its
include directories, I guess.)  Anyway, thanks.