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Re: [TCLUG:4011] InternetConnection

You might need an init string.  Even my US Robotics Sportster drops the
connection unless I give it it's proper init string.

I changed the line, in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0 that looks
like this:
'OK' 'ATDT651-603-9240'
to this:
'OK' 'AT&F1E0Q0V1&C1&D2S0=0DT*70,651-603-9240'

That *70, (the comma is important) is necessary if you have call waiting
on your modem's phone line.  That turns off call waiting so you won't get
kicked off when someone else tries to call.  The rest of the string (the
part following AT and preceding *70, is modem dependent.  Check your modem
docs.  I believe the init string above is good for US Robotics 33.6
through 56K.

As much as I hate to say it, the only way I could find the proper init
string was to install the modem in Windows, using the setup disk that came
with the modem.  Then I checked the init string, and copied it to Linux. 

On Fri, 19 Feb 1999 wrote:

> Any suggestions on why my modem keeps redialing every minuet. It keeps
> redialing when i dont even disconnect. Would it be with my modem or if i just
> set it up wrong?
> Thanks!
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