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Re: [TCLUG:4074] Forcing window dimensions in WindowMaker (ReallyICA Client)...
The new WinFrame ICA Client has settings for window sizes and locations.
In the ICASetup utiltiy (usually /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfcmgr -> Option
-> Settings... "Windows" from the drop-down menu), you can specify the
desired resolution for the WinFrame ICA Client. Next, hit "Apply" and
you're all set! The changes will be saved under .ICAClient/wfclient.ini.
You can do it by hand by inserting the following into the file:
DesiredHRES = 640
DesiredVRES = 480
Usually in a window manager setting, you can specify dimentions by adding
the -geometry flag at the command line:
xterm -geometry 100x45+200+60
is an example.
Peter Lukas
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Someone other than Michael Hicks wrote:
> > Anybody know how I might force a window to be a certain size in
> > WindowMaker ? The program is specifically the Citrix WinFrame ICA client
> > for Linux .. which I'd bet not many of you have / use.
> Does the WinFrame client only run at the size it was started at? If
> not, you can drag the window around the screen by holding down the ALT
> key when you click on the window. That way, you could move the window
> off to the side a little bit, enlarge it to your needs, then move it
> back into place..
> At any rate, WindowMaker should allow windows to specify their own
> sizes, and most likely, the WinFrame client just doesn't read the
> command line geometry option correctly...
> --
> .------ ----- ---- ---- --- --- -- -- - - - - -
> | Mike Hicks | Linux User Since: 1.2.13
> : |
> ` icq:6883760 | Current Kernel: 2.2.1
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