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Please sign this petition if bogus patents concern you
Bogus Patent Problem:
It seems a daily occurrence that a new patent covering
either ridiculously broad
ground or public-domain information is granted. Recent
examples include
#5860073 ("The use of style sheets in electronic
publishing system"), #5191573
and #5675734 (covering the sale of downloaded
music/video) and #5838906
(covering embedding scripts in web pages). Patents such
as these threaten the
very way today's business is conducted and information
is exchanged. They
cover such broad ground and such ubiquitous technology
that large numbers of
businesses and/or individuals are forced either into
litigation (which many cannot
afford) or to pay the high costs of licensing. The
competence of the U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office is increasingly being questioned in
the media and
elsewhere. Because of this, we, the undersigned,
petition the U.S. Government to
either 1) Address the questions of competence raised
about the USPTO, or 2)
Change Intellectual Property Law to disallow the sort of
patents mentioned above.