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Re: [TCLUG:5485] T1 on the way, need help controlling the planet!

If you look around ( is the only one I can think of off the
top of my head, although solunet isn't as good if you aren't an ISP with a
Cisco contract) you can find a 2610 with an integrated wan/CSU-DSU card
for around $2200 or so.  The 2600's are kinda hard to find used, though
(too new).  You'd be more likely to find a 2500 series used.  It's a
little less powerful, not as expandable, and is scheduled to go into
"retirement" soon but with an external CSU/DSU its more than enough for a
full frame T-1 and you'd definately save more than a few hundred.  

The 2600s are sweet, though.  With minimal headache earlier this week I
got a 2610 w/ a CSU/DSU interface and a 2611 (has two ethernets) up and
running at a frame T-1 customer's premises with very minimal hassle doing
NAT on the 2611 and using the Firewalling IOS on each.  Even though I
don't need one at home (got DSL) I want a 2611 just because they are such
cool toys :).  If you do get a Cisco I can probably give you some conf
pointers.  If you're lucky you'll have a cool ISP who'll do it for you;
they tend to provide more enhanced support to people paying the extra arm
and leg for a T-1 over the less expensive options. Another thing to keep
in mind is if you have an ISP with Cisco contacts/contracts they can get
Cisco products at 30% discount (can't remember the name of the contract
type) so if they don't mark it up you can save a bundle if you have them
get it for you.  We have one at the ISP I work for and we don't mark up
the hardware/shipping cost for the end-customer (well, except for sales
tax); I imagine its the same at most others.

Jim Raney

"I poured spot remover on my dog.  Now he's gone."	--Steven Wright
"At no time is freedom of speech more precious than when a man hits his
thumb with a hammer."    			-- Marshall Lumsden

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, rtp wrote:

> Hey gang,
> Anybody got a lead on used networking hardware; routers and csu/dsu? I
> don't know anything about this type of gear but so far I am looking at
> the cisco 2600 series which is termination and routing in one box for a
> cost between $2,000 and $3,000. My budget can go as high as $3,000 but
> even at that I'll be eating out of dumpsters.
> I hope the following isn't channel noise of worse yet spam. I apologize
> if it is.
> My partner and I are going to need someone to help me setup a t1. I am
> up to my eyes in other issues and don't have time to hoard all the fun
> for myself. I'd love to develope a relationship with someone that wants
> to trade for bandwidth and work more as partners in crime than as a
> consultant. It doesn't matter if you know everything. What does matter
> is you can figure it out and you're at least half as obsessed as I am. 
> So, if you've got the *nix chops, loath the idea of being a team player
> and are willing to go to any lengths to avoid getting a real job but
> can't afford bandwidth to run your own business or mpg3 server and you
> can help me then let's talk.
> ron parker
> Don't worry, we only look weird! -databoy
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