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Re: [TCLUG:5134] Midi doesn't work on 2.2 kernels

Clay Fandre wrote:
> Ever since I upgrated my kernel to 2.2x playmidi doesn't work. Anyone
> know why? I tried a few different machines and I don't get any sound at
> all.
> Clay
  Dunno if this will help or not, but upgrading from 2.0.29  to 2.2.5
broke several things for me as well.  While booted under the new kernel
I can't compile anything at all, not even the kernel src.  If you have
upgraded from a 2.0.x kernel there are several other things you need to
complete the upgrade.
here is a list from /usr/src/linux-2.2.5/Documentation/Changes

Current Minimal Requirements

   Upgrade to at *least* these software revisions before thinking you've
encountered a bug!  If you're unsure what version you're currently
running, the suggested command should tell you.

- Kernel modutils	 2.1.121                 ; insmod -V
- Gnu C                 ; gcc --version
- Binutils              ; ld -v
- Linux libc5 C Library	 5.4.46                  ; ls -l /lib/libc*
- Linux libc6 C Library  2.0.7pre6               ; ls -l /lib/libc*
- Dynamic Linker ( 1.9.9                   ; ldd --version or ldd
- Linux C++ Library                 ; ls -l
- Procps		 1.2.9                   ; ps --version
- Procinfo               16                      ; procinfo -v
- Psmisc		 17			 ; pstree -V
- Net-tools              1.50                    ; hostname -V
- Loadlin                1.6a
- Sh-utils               1.16                    ; basename --v
- Autofs                 3.1.1                   ; automount --version
- NFS                    2.2beta40               ; showmount --version
- Bash                   1.14.7                  ; bash -version
- Ncpfs                  2.2.0                   ; ncpmount -v
- Pcmcia-cs              3.0.7                   ; cardmgr -V
- PPP                    2.3.5                   ; pppd --version
- Util-linux             2.9i                    ; chsh -v

  Don't ask me where to find all this stuff, I'm tracking it down bit by
myself :)       Hope this helps..