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Re: CF: New Pickup Code Proposal

On Sun, Jun 04, 2000 at 05:27:22PM -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
>  I just ran against a test map, and pickup mode worked as expected.
>  Two items on the ground - one magical, one not.  Neither identified or cast
> magic on them.  Walk over both with pickup mode 6, and neither get picked up.
>  Cast detect magic, and walk over both again.  The magic one is picked up.
>  This code has not changed in quite a while.
>  I don't disagree with your anecdotal experience.  What is probably happening is
> some monster out there is casting detect magic or the like, so as you walk over
> the stuff, you pick it up.  I have a feeling that there is probably lots of
> magical stuff left on the map that you did not pick up,
>  Note that the items do not need to be identified for the magical mode to work
> properly, only detect magic needs to get cast on them.
>  The point here is that the code is working properly, so it is no cheat and the
> code can get reused.

Duh, monsters do cast spells.  I didn't think of that.  I'll have to experiment 
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