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Re: CF: Object decay, and various other matters of direction

David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:

>     Agreed.  So the no_magic flag should suffice to prevent either one.  As
> long as there's anti-magic around anything players shouldn't be able to
> magically get into, secret rooms will be safe.  Now, two more questions -
> Why can you see through walls (with x-rays) that you can't dimension door
> through?  And how do you attack someone who's inside a wall?

 Because x-ray doesn't look at no magic flags.

 It basically sets the area (3x3 or something like that) around the player as
visible and ignores all the line of sight and other logic.

 It would not be hard to say that a no magic area would not appear in the xray
vision.  But doing calculation that say 'if X has no magic, allow X to be seen,
but not the space beyond X' is a little more complicated.

>     I'm willing to go through the code and remove obsolete options while I'm
> playing with my experiments, if it is agreed that they are really useless
> now.  Things like skills, alchemy, and multi-god should probably be
> considered permanent additions by now.

 Probably so.  I think 0.96 will remove some options.

>     It does if it's a pointer to an array of additive protection ratings, or
> in the case of the suggestion I was making, an object with a description of
> the materials and an integer protection rating for each attacktype.  On most
> architectures, that pointer wouldn't be much larger than the bitmask we
> currently have.  That way, the object saving throws would no longer be
> hardcoded.

 But it has to point to something.  If you are pointing to predefined values,
then arguably you don't even need the pointer - just set up appropriate
materials or something.

 If this is a new material in which properties can be set in a map, then it
takes up some amount of space.  Granted, it only uses space for objects that use
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