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Re: CF: Re: Goth's tavern

Maciej Kalisiak on  wrote...
| Aaron Baugher writes:
|  > Speaking of that: In Goth's Tavern, there's a guy next to the cellar
|  > entrance who seems to offer info in exchange for a booze.  I buy one,
|  > and drop it on the table in front of him (he emphasizes the word
|  > TABLE), but nothing special seems to happen.  Anyone know what I'm
|  > missing?
| *** minor SPOILER alert ***
| If you drop it on the table and nothing happens, try dropping it
| besides him. The final upshot of this action is that one of the blocks 
| behind him gets lowered (in the corner).
What the buzz?  This one I would have thought was fixed long ago.

Then I have a couple of simular problem.

 * I picked up a brass key somewhere in scorn and have no idea what it
   is for.
   Prehaps all keys should be engraved with what they are for
   and not just called `brass' or `old'. 

 * How do you get open the iron door in the Friendly Giants Tower.
   It seems to be the one part I haven't managed to figure out.

 * People mention a good set of Random Altars in "Brest"
   Where is "Brest"

 * What do people suggest as a first place for a starting character to
   visit after finishing the low level dungeons on Scorn.

   And if that is beyond the gate, why is that password protected and
   NOT the port. Prehaps the port should be moved to a town accross
   the contenent. Or scorn split into two citys a inland one (just)
   and a port town, so you have to leave scorn before you can reach the
   port. Under city dungeons could still connect the two.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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