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Re: bt lighting code

> Akshay writes:
> I made a mistake when compiling the lighting code by not putting USE_LIGHTING
> in config.h. I recompiled it with the option and when I used it I had some
> problems. If I walk into a map with darkness (invisible) set to any level other
> than zero and have a torch in the room the game hangs up.  If I walk into a map
> with dm as he can see invis nothing happens. Has anyone else seen this happen.
> I tried it with Brian's test maps too. No errors reported in the logfile either.
> Any clues on this Brian? Hope to hear from you soon...
	Well, I am pretty sure its because the code you have didnt have the 
	capability to "transfer" lighted objects between maps (remember, it
	was "development" code :). I have worked those bugs out in my present 
	code which  I plan to release as a "beta" soon. 

	The "beta" code will feature: 
		1) movement of "carried" lights between maps.
  		2) better management of the light list on each map
	         3) New object type -- "LIGHTER". You can set torches 
			alight w/ it, and burn up other stuff in your 
			inventory (if such is your inclination :)
		4) set torches alight with AT_FIRE and AT_ELECT attacks
		   (ie firebolt passing over a torch will light it).



> Thanks in advance,
> Akshay
> P.S. - Lit torches dont seem to like rooms with darkness>0.