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Re: Skills hack

 Actually, your summary of classes is mostly true.  The other thing that
makes some classes different is starting items.

 A character that starts with a spell(book) will obviously start casting spells
right away.  A character that starts as a fighter is going to end up waiting
a while before they will be casting spells (just because of the cost of
the spellbook.)

 The fireborn, quetzalcouatl and wraith are quite unique, just as they get
some penalties or bonuses (like immunities or vulnerabilities.)

 I think the problem is that there are 12 'normal' classes.  While there are
a lot more than 12 permutations that can be done on the 6 stats, it would
probably be hard to justify more than about 6 different classes - after that
they do start becoming pretty similar.
